Transpersonal Psychotherapy helps you discover your true self.
I offer psychotherapy and EMDR for a range of issues in Kingston-Upon-Thames. In particular, healing from childhood trauma, life crisis, guidance following spiritual and entheogen related experiences. You can expect to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, enjoy improved relationships, and experience a deeper sense of well being.
Here is one tip on how to choose a therapist who is right for you. It is not a question of judging a therapist as good or bad. It is about finding the right match for both of you.
There is compelling evidence that there are endless benefits to practising gratitude.
Benefits include feeling more positive emotions, feeling more alive and sleeping better. A regular gratitude practise can help you feel more loving towards others and yourself.
Love may not change the past, but it can make the future different. When we choose to express love in the primary love language of our partner, we create an emotional climate where we can deal with our past conflicts and failures.
It is normal to find it hard to get up and get things done when feeling depressed. However, you have more control than you may realise to do something about your mood.
Here are 5 things you could do to help lift your mood. Start by taking small steps and build from there.
Gary Chapman is the wonderful author of the book titled The 5 languages of love: the secret of love that lasts.
The premis of this book is that partners in a relationships speak different love languages and that understanding what a partner needs to fulfil them emotionally is crucial to staying together.
Here’s one very quick and easy way to feel calm and in control when you feel anxious. It can even be done whilst in the middle of a stressful situation.
I must have read The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle half a dozen times, at least. I found it inspiring and a wonderful guide on how to have more equanimity in my life.

About me
I offer safe and compassionate counselling and psychotherapy in Kingston-Upon-Thames and London where you can talk about what you find challenging in your life.
Take action
If you are looking to get help and support to feel better, whether you're feeling depressed, anxious or stressed there is hope.
Have you noticed the wonderful calmness when you are in the moment?
To feel more peaceful stop thinking, right now, and simply notice what's around you.