After successfully resolving certain personal experiences in my own life, I felt my calling was to help co-create a life for you based on purpose and meaning bringing inner peace.
I specialise in showing adults, like yourself, how to reach your full potential by helping you to go from feeling depressed, empty or stuck in some area of your life towards achieving your own definition of success. My experience includes working alongside trans, gender diverse and questioning people.
I am empathic and intuitive. I can sense what is needed to make difficult moments tolerable by using my calm presence, creating a meditative environment where you can reflect on yourself.
My approach ranges from psychodynamic counselling, existential and gestalt counselling to Jungian and transpersonal concepts. I have worked in a variety of settings including the NHS, voluntary and private practice.
Ongoing personal and professional development is important to me. I feel particularly fortunate to have done the Hoffman Process. My psychotherapy training was at the Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy Education (CCPE) and have an MA in Transpersonal and Integrative Psychotherapy with the University of Northampton on the subject of the inner critic and creativity. EMDR trainee.
I am a registered psychotherapist with the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) and a member of BACP. According to strict ethical guidelines set by the UKCP, I am not allowed to include client testimonials in any of my advertising, including my websites, .
MY Mission
My goal is for you to become the best version of yourself. Joyful, empowered and free.
“The wound is the place where the light enters you.”
a few benefits of COUNSELLING
You will be able to handle your emotions, problems or stressors better.
Deal with self-critical thoughts and beliefs.
Let go of addictive behaviours and connect with your feelings.
Heal childhood trauma.
Feel less anxious, depressed and stressed.
Feel happier in yourself and in your life.
Relate healthily in relationships.
Worry less about things and feel more self-confident.
Improve your self-worth and have peace of mind.
Make choices that reflect your highest values.
Talking about yourself can help you find purpose and meaning in life.
Sometimes it is wonderfully healing just to feel heard.